203 Little Canada Rd. E #200

Little Canada, MN 55117


651-483-3879 fax



High School
Middle School
Elementary School

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1/2 day
Full Day
Trainer of Trainers

* general recommendation – please contact us to schedule training that best matches your needs and availability


Discovery of Self training programs and seminars have applications for audiences ranging from corporate executives to youth with serious emotional/behavior challenges.

The Continuum Center has been designing project initiatives on the forefront of business, medicine, education and community development since its 1984-86 Whole Mind Learning project – a partnership with the Minnesota State Department of Education, the Humphrey Institute and First Bank Minneapolis (now US Bank). Discovery of Self is such an initiative, one that has been refined and expanded since 1987.

Drawing from fields like quantum physics, chemistry and medicine, and from cultures including West African, Native American, Asian and East Indian, the curriculum is a unique interdisciplinary, cross-cultural synthesis. Discovery of Self is designed to provide a new set of operating assumptions and inner resource development strategies that can significantly improve the course, content and quality of personal and academic/professional life…at any age.

Skill Areas

Participants will learn 11 concepts and 3 simple strategies designed to fundamentally alter your perception of self, others and the universe to develop critical internal resources that have been overlooked or underdeveloped 

  • An interdisciplinary, multi-cultural framework for an empowering and transformative evidence-based new understanding of brain, mind, and reality
  • How your nervous system can be optimized for self-regulation, concentration, and confidence
  • Consciousness is causal (can cause things to happen) and the implications for agency and creating a new universe of possibility
  • How emotions can hijack brain wiring and change brain chemistry, and how to train for optimism which benefits learning,  health behaviors, relationships, and quality of life
  • Simple practices to access and apply unused inner resources for well-being, positive change, and success


  • The session follows a workbook and includes verbal instruction, real-life stories, poster graphics, small and full group discussion, and inner resource development exercises

Who is the training for?

  • Adults
  • Youth
  • Corporate executives
  • Parents
  • Teachers
  • Counselors

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