203 Little Canada Rd. E #200

Little Canada, MN 55117


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Goldstein Memorial Library

Arnold P. Goldstein

Arnold P. Goldstein, Ph.D. (1933-2002), was Professor of Special Education at Syracuse University, Director of the New York State Task Force on Juvenile Gangs, a member of the American Psychological Association Commission on Youth Violence, and a member of the Council of Representatives of the International Society for Research on Aggression. Dr. Goldstein developed three influential approaches to prosocial skills training: skillstreaming, aggression replacement training, and the Prepare Curriculum. Reflecting his role as Director of the Syracuse University Center for Research on Aggression, much of his research and teaching centered on helping youngsters replace antisocial, aggressive behaviors with constructive, alternative means of seeking life satisfaction and effectiveness.

3,500+ Collection

The Institute is home to the Arnold P. Goldstein Memorial Library featuring more than 3,500 specialty titles from the personal collection of the internationally recognized expert on non-violent conflict resolution and author of more than 50 books including the Skillstreaming series. The library also holds additional related donations and dissertations (see below for more details).

The library is open to the public for research and meetings.

In Memory

"Your shoe still leaves deep footprints, footprints that say by your death the world has had less love, less laughter, bridges unbuilt, hurts unsoothed, less joy, less humanity. Such loss is our lesson and your legacy."​

- Author Arnold P. Goldstiein The Shoes of Maidanek, 1992

Library Contents

Personal Collection Donations
Donor Description
Sheldon Braaten Featuring a variety of psychology and special education materials from 1960s to the present including Vol. 1, No. 1 to date of Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis
Arnold Goldstein Featuring all of the Goldstein-authored books and books that led to the development of the Skillstreaming series
John Johnson Featuring historical documents including original court documents from Peter Mills, et al v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia, et al. (1971)
Michael Wilson Variety of mental health titles
James Ysseldyke Featuring LD assessment materials
Download the current listing of doctoral dissertations available.
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