Institute trainings

Institute Areas of Expertise
BOS – Behavioral Objective Sequence
Points on Points
Self-Control Training
Social skills Training and Aggression Replacement Techniques
This training will examine the scope of youth aggression in schools, homes, the community and institutions. It will provide participants with background and rationale for teaching prosocial skills using the ART®manual. The format includes lecture, demonstration, participation and implementation planning.
Skill Development:
A model for understanding aggression
Elements in the ecology of aggression
The social skills curriculum
Strategies for teaching moral reasoning
How to run training groups
How to deal with resistance
How to enhance generalization of learned skills management
Self Control
Self-Control Training
Students present a wide variety of behavior management challenges and adults too often expect that they will simply comply with commands to use some “self-control.” This workshop will present essential background information on why they behave the way they do and specific strategies for teaching self-control skills. Participants will learn the various elements of self-control training, how and why to teach these skills.
Laws and Their Implications for General and Special Education
The U.S. Supreme Court’s special education ruling in the 2017 case, Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District, is having important effects on special education, including the development of students’ individualized education programs (IEP). Dr. Yell summarizes the Endrew case and how it effects the special education teachers and administrators. Dr. Yell also examines how IEP teams can develop educationally meaningful and legally sound IEPs that meet the Endrew standard.
Managing Resistance
Peculiar Tracks for Derailing Resistance
No matter what we do, we inevitably run into resistant people - both children and adults. Imagine how much easier our lives would be if only others would not be so contrary.
With this training, you will learn to win others over regardless of how resistant they may first appear. In fact, the more resistant an individual appears, the easier it is to get compliance! As George Bernard Shaw said, "Don't be afraid of opposition. Remember, a kite rises against the wind, not with it."
Anger Management
Anger Management Training
Students present a wide variety of behavioral challenges. This workshop will present the background on anger related factors and specific strategies for teaching anger management skills. Participants will learn the various elements of intervention and prevention training and how and why to teach these skills. A variety of helpful resources will also be shared.
Strategies & Techniques for Aggression Intervention & Replacement Skills
This intensive training seminar is designed to provide professionals serving students with emotional/behavioral disorders (EBD) with curriculum-based skills to teach and promote prosocial development. While the content includes essential behavior management competencies, the emphasis is on a curriculum approach to remediating the personal and interpersonal skill deficits of students with learning and challenging behaviors.
Strategies & Techniques for Aggression Intervention & Replacement Skills
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View Training
Social Skills Training
Skillstreaming Training will briefly discuss the scope of challenging behavior among children, and provide participants with background and rationale for teaching prosocial skills with the Skillstreaming curricula as one essential component of prosocial development.
Behavioral Objective Sequence Training
This workshop will provide instruction on how to use the Behavioral Objective Sequence, a practical and critical tool for integrating functional assessment into a model for determining students’ level of social development, and for preparing intervention plans that are effective and developmentally appropriate.
Why BICA Institute Training?
Our trainings are affordably priced. Individual registration fees are kept low and accessible and contracted group rates are flat fees with no per person charges.
Trusted Knowledge
Our faculty represent industry leaders with extensive subject matter and training experience.
online options
We offer several trainings online or as recorded options. We are working to increase these offerings.
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“I was looking for a Social Media Course to expand my career horizon. A friend of mine suggested to learn from Steve’s online courses and it really worked for me.”

“A fantastic and very engaging course. All of the information offered by Steve was completely practical, relevant and presented in an easy, digestible and interesting way.”

“This course was a breakthrough in my knowledge of digital marketing. The content is comprehensive and of great quality, engaging and interactive.”