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Ten Things Your Student with Autism Wishes You Knew


A bestseller gets even better! Every parent, teacher, social worker, therapist, and physician should have this succinct and informative book in their back pocket. Framed with both humor and compassion, the book describes ten characteristics that…

SKU: 9781932565362 Category:

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Winner of an iParenting Media Award and Finalist in the 2006 ForeWord Book of the Year Awards! Ellen Notbohm’s first book, Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew, was a shot heard throughout the worldwide autism community. Now, for the teacher in all of us, comes Ten Things Your Student with Autism Wishes You Knew. The unique perspective of a child’s voice is back to help us understand the thinking patterns that guide their actions, shape an environment conducive to their learning style, and communicate with them in meaningful ways. This book affirms that autism imposes no inherent limits on achievement, and that both teacher and child “can do it.” It’s the game plan every educator, parent, or family member needs to make the most of every teachable moment in the life of these children we love.

Helpful chapters include:

  • Learning is Circular: We are all both teachers and students.
  •  We are a Team: Success depends on all of us working together.
  •  I Think Differently: Teach me in a way that is meaningful to me.
  •  Behavior is Communication: Yours, Mine and Ours.
  • Teach Me How to Fish: See me as a capable adult and hold that vision.
Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.5 in


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