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Skillstreaming – High-Functioning Autism CARDS

Original price was: $42.99.Current price is: $38.70.

Convenient 5×3″ cue cards designed for student use during group sessions and homework assignments. The cards list the behavioral steps for each of the 80 skills contained in the Skillstreaming Children and Youth with High Functioning Autism…

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Convenient 5×3″ cue cards designed for student use during group sessions and homework assignments. The cards list the behavioral steps for each of the 80 skills contained in the Skillstreaming Children and Youth with High Functioning Autism skills. Six cards are provided for each individual skill, for a total of 480 skill cards.

Group I: Relationship Skills

Beginning Relationship Skills

  1. Listening Without Interrupting
  2. Greeting Others
  3. Responding to a Greeting
  4. Asking a Question About the Topic
  5. Staying on Topic
  6. Responding to Questions
  7. Taking Turns
  8. Complimenting Others
  9. Helping Others
  10. Encouraging Others
  11. Cooperating with Others
  12. Sharing
  13. Asking a Favor

Advanced Relationship Skills

  1. Starting a Conversation
  2. Continuing a Conversation
  3. When to Introduce a New Topic
  4. Accepting a Topic Change
  5. Ending a Conversation
  6. Responding to Offers to Join In
  7. Asking to Join In
  8. Communicating Preferences
  9. Accepting Another’s Opinion

Group II: Social Comprehension

  1. Reading Others
  2. Reading the Environment
  3. Using a Friendly Voice
  4. Using a Respectful Voice
  5. Giving Information Nonverbally
  6. Attending to a Model
  7. Respecting Another’s Boundaries
  8. Showing Interest in Others
  9. Understanding Differences
  10. Taking Another’s Perspective

Group III: Self-Regulation

  1. Regulating Your Attention
  2. Recognizing Anxiety
  3. Deciding What Causes Your Anxiety
  4. Dealing with Anxiety
  5. Checking Your Voice and Interests
  6. No Means No
  7. Using Self-Control
  8. Dealing with Change
  9. Dealing with Boredom
  10. Responding to Authority
  11. Checking Your Behavior
  12. Affirming Yourself

Group IV: Problem Solving

  1. Determining Private Information
  2. Understanding Rules of Swearing
  3. Understanding Rules of Touch
  4. Planning for Stressful Situations
  5. Defining a Problem
  6. Considering Alternatives
  7. Choosing an Alternative
  8. When to Change Strategies
  9. When a Rule Doesn’t Work
  10. Giving Feedback
  11. Seeking Attention
  12. Accepting Attention
  13. Making a Complaint
  14. When You Don’t Understand

Group V: Understanding Emotions

  1. Knowing Your Feelings
  2. Feeling Different
  3. Expressing Your Feelings
  4. Calming Your Feelings
  5. Showing Affection
  6. Recognizing Another’s Feelings
  7. Showing Concern for Another
  8. Understanding Another’s Intentions
  9. Dealing with Another’s Anger

Group VI: School-Related Skills

  1. Asking for Help
  2. Ignoring Distractions
  3. Contributing to Discussions
  4. Taking a Break
  5. Setting a Goal
  6. Completing Assignments
  7. Following Adult Directions
  8. Asking for Information
  9. Organizing Materials
  10. Making Corrections
  11. Preparing for Class
  12. Dealing with Transitions
  13. Interrupting
Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 3.5 in


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