203 Little Canada Rd. E #200

Little Canada, MN 55117


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PEGS for Preschool


Practice effective guidance strategies PEGS is a research based program that provides teachers with positive behavior management skills for their classrooms.

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(Special Note:  This software program is NOT compatible with newest Mac o/s.  Recommended for PCs or pre-2014 Mac)

What is PEGS?

Practice effective guidance strategies PEGS is a research based program that provides teachers with positive behavior management skills for their classrooms. The Purpose of PEGS is to provide practice of twelve strategies that help decrease disruptive behavior and increases achievement in the students by encouraging them to participate. Through PEGS, teachers are able to gain experience by practicing with simulated classroom scenarios. There are three PEGS programs Early Childhood (preK-2nd), Elementary (3rd-7th), Secondary (8th-12th).

Who created PEGS?

PEGS is based on 30 years of research in child behavior. Dr. Mary M. Wood who leads the developmental Teaching Program (DTP) at the University of Georgia, with funding provided by the U.S. Office of Special Education, developed PEGS. DTP researchers are experts on child and teen behavior and have studied proven methods of effective, positive intervention. DTP teamed with LetterPress Software, an award winning instructional software company, to create the PEGS for teachers program.

Why was PEGS created?

PEGS was designed to specifically accommodate the NCLB Act of 2001 and meets federal IDEA requirements. After years of conducting workshops and mentoring programs, the DTP staff discovered that traditional methods of teacher development were not having the desired impact in the classroom. One key element for lasting skill development was realistic practice! To fill this need, DTP and LetterPress designed and developed the simulation based PEGS for teachers. PEGS is flexible enough to work around any teachers schedule and may compliment your existing programs.

How do I know PEGS works?

The Developmental Teaching Institute has conducted research to measure the effectiveness of the PEGS program. A variety of new and experienced teachers used the program for 10-15 minutes per day for 2 weeks. Up to two-thirds of the problems in the classroom were eliminated and teachers improved their management skills by 40%.

PEGS is:

  • Scientifically Based Research

  • Cost effective/time efficient alternative to workshops

  • A complement to your existing behavior management programs

  • Easy to implement into any school

  • Interactive practice sessions to fit teachers schedules

  • Simple for all teachers to use

  • A program that meets IDEA and NCLB requirements

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 7.5 × 5.5 × 0.75 in


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