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Managing Challenging Behaviors in Schools


This book provides tested, easy-to-implement strategies for preventing problem behavior in the classroom and responding effectively when it does occur. Chapters describe specific steps that K–12 teachers and other school-based professionals…

SKU: 9781606239513 Category:

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This book provides tested, easy-to-implement strategies for preventing problem behavior in the classroom and responding effectively when it does occur. Chapters describe specific steps that K–12 teachers and other school-based professionals can take to develop effective classroom rules and routines, plan suitably challenging instruction, and promote student engagement and motivation. Presenting a continuum of strategies from prevention to more intensive behavior supports, the book offers clear-cut instructions for implementing behavioral contracts, self-monitoring, and functional assessment-based interventions. Special features include more than a dozen reproducible checklists, self-assessment tools, and planning forms; the large-size format facilitates photocopying.

This title is part of the What Works for Special-Needs Learners Series, edited by Karen R. Harris and Steve Graham.

Weight 1.25 lbs
Dimensions 10.5 × 8 × 0.5 in


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