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How Did You Miss That? A Story for Teaching Self-Monitoring


When he rushes home after an exhausting night of baseball, the last thing Braden wants to hear is Mom and Dad harping about everything he must finish on his to-do list. Of course, they wouldn’t be on his case if he actually paid attention and did…

SKU: 9781944882457 Category: Tag: Brand:

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When he rushes home after an exhausting night of baseball, the last thing Braden wants to hear is Mom and Dad harping about everything he must finish on his to-do list. Of course, they wouldn’t be on his case if he actually paid attention and did what he needed to do. From chores at home to questions on a quiz, Braden never checks his work for mistakes or to see if he missed anything. Is there a solution to his sloppiness? Yes… but will Braden be willing to try it? Can he become a master of self-monitoring? Award-winning author, happy father, and popular school counselor Bryan Smith highlights the importance of slowing down, being accurate, and double-checking one’s work in the newest Executive FUNction storybook, written for K-5 students, their parents and teachers. 32 pgs.

Extend the learning with the accompanying downloadable activities!

Weight 0.3 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 9 × 0.1 in


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