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HIT – How I Think Questionnaire SET

Original price was: $45.99.Current price is: $41.40.

44-page manual and 20 questionnaires – useful in assessment, treatment planning, tracking therapeutic progress, and individual- or program-level outcome evaluation.


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This widely used questionnaire can be used independently or to enhance the EQUIP training program. It measures four categories of self-serving cognitive distortions (thinking errors)—Self-Centered, Blaming Others, Minimizing/Mislabeling, and Assuming the Worst. The questionnaire is a 54-item measure that can be administered in groups or with individuals. It is typically completed in 5 to 15 minutes and requires only a fourth-grade reading level. The questionnaire, which includes scoring and computation instructions and forms, is useful in assessment, treatment planning, tracking therapeutic progress, and individual- or program-level outcome evaluation. The How I Think (HIT) Questionnaire is sold in sets of 20 and is accompanied by a 44-page manual.


The How I Think (HIT) Questionnaire contains 54 items divided into four cognitive distortion subscales:

  1. Self-Centered
  2. Blaming Others
  3. Minimizing/Mislabeling
  4. Assuming the Worst

The items are also applied to four behavioral referent subscales:

  1. Opposition-Defiance
  2. Physical Aggression
  3. Lying
  4. Stealing

Sample questionnaire items:

  • Rules are mostly meant for other people.
  • If I really want to do something, I don’t care if it’s legal or not.
  • You have to get even with people who don’t show you respect.
  • People are always trying to hassle me.

Response to each item is along a 6-point Likert type scale (from agree strongly to disagree strongly).

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 2 in


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