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Handbook of Research in EBD


B ringing together leading researchers, this book integrates current knowledge on EBD in the school setting. Reviewed are a range of evidence-based approaches to identifying, assessing, and intervening with this difficult-to-teach population….

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SKU: 9781593854713 Category:

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Bringing together leading researchers, this book integrates current knowledge on EBD in the school setting. Reviewed are a range of evidence-based approaches to identifying, assessing, and intervening with this difficult-to-teach population. School practitioners and educators gain essential tools for developing and evaluating programs to improve student behavior, boost self-control and social skills, and maximize academic achievement. Findings on early intervention and prevention are presented, and implications for policy discussed. Broad in coverage, the volume also emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in service provision and delineates best-practice guidelines for research.

Weight 2.5 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 7 × 1.5 in


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