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Character In A Jar


Build and reinforce positive character traits at home, in the classroom, after-school programs, youth groups, or wherever you interact with kids and teens. Use as discussion-starters or writing prompts.

Availability: In stock

SKU: 9781575429199 Category:

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Build and reinforce positive character traits at home, in the classroom, after-school programs, youth groups, or wherever you interact with kids and teens. Inside the jar are 101 little cards (2″ x 2 ¾”) printed with words or phrases—“Caring,” “Giving,” “Service and Sharing,” “Empathy,” “Citizenship,” “Cleanliness,” “Patience,” “Compassion,” “Tolerance,” “Cooperation,” “Reliability,” “Being Punctual,” and many more. Use them as discussion-starters or writing prompts. Act them out, talk them over, or plan ways to live them every day. Based on What Do You Stand For? For Teens this is a simple, powerful tool for promoting character development.

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 3.5 in


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