Aggression Replacement Training: Third Edition/Revised and Expanded
Originally developed by Dr. Arnold P. Goldstein and Dr. Barry Glicky, Aggression Replacement Training (ART) is now revised and updated to reflect over 30 years of use in schools, community agencies, juvenile institutions, and other settings. The new edition of Aggression Replacement Training offers step-by-step session plans for teaching ART’s three coordinated components:
Social Skills Training
Teaches participants what to do, helping them replace antisocial behaviors with positive alternatives.
Anger Control Training
Teaches participants what not to do, helping them respond to anger in a nonaggressive manner and rethink anger-provoking situations.
Moral Reasoning
Helps raise participants’ level of fairness, justice, and concern for the needs and rights of others.
The authors clarify the theory underlying the ART components and include user-friendly suggestions for successful implementation of the 10-week program. They also address critical implementation concerns, describe program applications at various sites and evaluations of ART’s effectiveness, and detail issues in program administration and management.
Appendixes include the complete Skillstreaming curriculum for adolescents, session evaluation checklists, additional moral reasoning problem situations, and other materials helpful in running the program.
PDFs of all the reproducible forms and student handouts are downloadable.
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