Thank you for your interest in helping the Institute!
The Behavioral Institute for Children and Adolescents works to improve the quality and array of services provided for children and youth by enhancing the knowledge and skills of professionals and parents. We welcome support from individuals, organizations and businesses.
There are many ways you can help our 501c3:
- Shop our discount bookstore
- Register to attend our events or contact us to schedule your own training
- Volunteer (library cataloging, book reviews, graphics – or contact us to share your talents)
- Make a donation via PayPal (or contact us for direct/in-kind donations)
- Sign up to receive our information
- Share our story
Why Help?
Support for BICA helps parents and professionals to help struggling children and youth. An investment in juvenile justice, mental health and education is an investment in the future of young people and their entire communities healthy communities.

Your Support Makes an Impact
Around 98 percent of people say a teacher can change the course of a student’s life (ING Foundation Survey)
88% of people say that a teacher has had a “significant, positive impact” on their life (ING Foundation survey)
The average teacher affects more than 3,000 students during a career